The Path
- The Mission -
Some say, there is no path.
Others may call it MISSION or the WHY am I here.
I have learnt, that "you are the path, and the path is you".
It is trust. Trust in the path, trust in yourself, trust in life and in its intelligence far beyond our imagination.
Everyone came here with gifts. If we let go, if we don't take ourselves too serious, this existence too serious, those gifts will naturally bubble up. The path is about letting go but yet being even more relevant and engaged in play of life.
Re-establish calm and inner peace within individuals, communities and eventually the world.
Starting from the all pervading silence which connects the inner universe with the galactic universe. Experiencing home within oneself and finding harmony and unity.
Inspiring of how to live a life in happiness, a life in freedom. Of how be able to smile, regardless of the external circumstances.
Teaching and recalling the mystic wisdom of the East, collected by great saints before us. Applying and coaching this wisdom in our modern societies.
Encourage and inspire others to step up into their responsibility, into their own leadership.
Teach, that everyone is a leader, a leader in life, a leader of their unique gifts, a leader of their self-responsibility.
You feel related, inspired, connected to this path?