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Integrative Yoga-Praxis

Integration diverser Aspekte des vedantischen Yoga



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"Ohne Atem, kein Yoga".


Ich verbinde östliches Pranayama mit Atemtechniken "westlicher" Atemforscher, integriere Atemtechniken in Asanas und verwebe Asanas durch spezielle Zwischen-Atemtechniken miteinander zu einem gesamtheitlichen Energie-Fluss.



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"Ohne Atem,
kein Yoga"

Diese Aussage steht absolut für meine Praxis. Weil:


  1. Ich integriere viele heilsame und effektive Atemtechniken und diverse Pranayamavarianten in einen Kurs.

  2. Jede Asana ist mit dem Atemfluss, dem inneren Tor, verbunden. Die Qualität Deines Atems symbolisiert die Qualität Deines Lebens.

  3. Asana-Sequenzen (Vinyasas) werden durch sogenannte „Gab Kriyas“ verbunden, wodurch die Klasse und der Atem geschmeidig und ausgeglichen bleiben. Tanz den inneren Tanz des Atems auf der Matte, und später draußen im Alltag. Ein verbundener, bewusster Tanz mit Dir selbst.


"Integratives Yoga"

Zusammen mit heilsamen und bewussten Atempraktiken, Pranayama und Asanas für Mobilität, Körperwahrnehmung und
funktionaler Kräftigung, praktiziere ich ein „Integratives Yoga".  Je nach Setting und Bedarf, isind GruppenübungenFreies Bewegen, oder Kriya Yoga Teil der Praxis. Musik und Stille, immer ein fester Bestandteil.

Ein bunter Strauß unterschiedlicher Praktiken, die auf einem ganzheitlichen und jahrtausendealten System basieren. Ein System, das uns zur Einheit, zur Freiheit führt.
Yoga - die Praxis der Einheit - integrativ zu praktizieren, liegt auf der Hand.

Aspects of an Integrated Yoga

Ein weiterer wichtiger Schwerpunkt meiner Praxis ist Musik.
Sie begleitet nicht nur den Vinyasa-Tanz, sondern löst auch Emotionen aus, die Dich tiefer mit Deinem Unterbewusstsein verbinden, aus dem Kopf heraus, hinein in's
Hier und Jetzt bringen. "Musik heilt", sagt man nicht umsonst.


According to the saint Patanjali (Yoga Sutras), meditation is about withdrawing the 5 senses (Pratyahara). If you ask me, I would argue, that there is no such activity as meditation, even though I practice daily, for years. But, there is the state of meditation, and there are many ways, to walk towards this state. After overcoming the noise of the mind, one connects in this state with inner silence. From this silence, one will enter deeper states of consciousness and experience peace and bliss - the nature of our being.

For very new practitioners of meditation, who still have strong difficulties or resistance with sitting silently, I personally would recommend to start with breath based meditation, which I offer too. Those are part of the Himalayan Pranayama practice by using very subtle and meditative techniques, silencing the mind by still keeping it "occupied" by the certain technique.

A very specific meditation technique I teach and practice daily is based on Mantra, in particular on "Bija Sounds", the primordial, one-syllable Sanskrit tones (such as LAM, VAM, OM, AUM). This technique is effective for reaching the above described state and contains of several, distinct techniques and steps. It is a very recommended morning practice.

The meditation technique, I will introduce to groups or individuals in specific workshops. Additionally, I received the initiation of the technique for giving personal "Bija" Mantras, which one may reach deeper connection in their meditation. This would be an additional session, in which each Bija Mantra will be given individually.

Be reminded: meditation is a technique of daily practice and not only practiced within this particular activity in the morning. Daily practice! Meditation is a decision for a life of evolution. There is no short cut for growth or hotfix to enlightenment. But there are countless positive (side-)effects (many already scientifically proven by the West), which "fall off" on the way. Nevertheless, isn't it anyway all about the way, about the path, and not about any concrete destination or goal?!

Second reminder: there is no good or bad meditation. Because as soon as you become aware of what is, of the internal as well as external noise, and only acknowledge what is without judgment, this is the practice. Some days the mind is restless, some days the mind is more peaceful. In either way - it is about acknowledgment and "working" with what is right now. No wishful thinking, no comparison, no good meditation or bad meditation. Only your commitment to practice.


Kriya Kundalini 

Health on all levels, soul, body and spirit. The breath - Himalayan Pranayama - (see below) is at the core of the "Kriya Kundalini" I offer (taught from the Himalayan Yog-Vedantic tradition – not to be confused with the Kundalini by the Sikh aka Yogi Bhajan).

Along with Kriyas – subtle energy practices – one works on all 5 Koshas (the yogic 5 bodies) for holistic transformation. Other yogic practices such as Hatha/Vinyasa, Mantra chanting, Freedom Movement or Partner Work may also be an integrated part of a class, with which the participant embarks on a musically supported journey of self-exploration.


Self is the keyword. The "truth", real wisdom, can only be found in Self, it is already all within you. . Through self-awareness, through liberating you Self and allowing real, unfiltered experiences, detached from external concepts and roles, from the filter of mind. In addition to all the incredibly great health benefits, that is the real goal: Awaken you true nature, expanding your consciousness, connecting to that space, that "silence within" in order to understand the nature of unity, of Yoga.


Here the range of yoga aspects, one could encounter during a holistic Kriya Yoga practice:

  • Hatha – The Asana based yogic “workout” in either static, dynamic or Vinyasa style

  • Pranayama – Breathing techniques to work with your energy body

  • Kundalini – More complex practices, mainly based on breath, Mantra and subtle movements

  • Naad – The power of sound (and music) which lets you drop deeper into your experience

  • Gyana – Knowledge to uplift and rise your consciousness

  • Dhyana – Meditation practice, mostly guided with Mantras, Mudras, or breath


What else you should know / prepare?​

  • Block YOUR (me-)time without distractions, plans, schedules. You will not allow yourself to dive deep when your mind is already hung up in the next thing to come.

  • Your yoga mat and a cushion to sit on.

  • Comfortable clothes that let you breathe.

  • No food prior 1 hour before class

  • Recommended: No caffeinated drinks 2 hours prior to the class

  • Depending on location and season: A light blanket or sweater for the cool-down part.

  • Optional: Strap, bolster, or block in case you may want to use (I typically do not use additional tools)



You want to reset your nervous system? You want to change the frequency band of your brain in order to get out from "fight and flight" mode ("Beta") into "focus and attention" ("Alpha" or even "Delta")? You want to boost your immune system, strengthen respiratory organs and increase breath capacity? You want to lift your emotional state, heal old wounds and let go of all which does not serve you any more? 


"Pranayama is probably one of the most important single action that we can do to improve our health." [David Frawley – Yoga & Ayurveda]


This class could be related to the nowadays popular "breath-work" practices, although this is just a small aspect of the thousand years old breathing techniques from the Himalayas (Pranayama and Kriya), which are more relevant than ever before. 

Those practices work on multiple layers of the body. Particularly the energy-body ("Pranayamakosha"), which swifts fast by an energizing or deeply calming Pranayama set.


Yoga for corporations / companies


Have you ever considered to offer "Yoga classes" in your corporation, for your team, colleges, employees? No need for a class room, no need for yoga mats or yoga pans! Keep your suite on and just stay seated, maintaining a long, up-right spine...


The Himalayan Pranayama techniques I offer are most suited to reset and energize the nervous system in a very fast and efficient way.  Within 15 to 20 minutes one can change from "fight and flight" mode to a calmer alpha brain wave, where real creativity, states of flow and problem solving can be accessed - besides all the other health benefits for the participants.

What else you should know / prepare?​

  • Block YOUR (me-)time without distractions, plans, schedules. You will not allow yourself to dive deep when your mind is already hung up in the next thing to come.

  • No Hatha "Yoga" (Asanas) contained in this class. No mat required.

  • But a cushion to sit on is important (or chair - as long your spine stays actively straight!).

  • Comfortable clothes that let you breathe (and maybe keep you warm).

  • No food prior 1 hour before class

  • Recommended: No caffeinated drinks 2 hours prior to the class


- Yoga is the art of living in unity. Don't just do Yoga, "BE YOGA"!

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