What are your thoughts about the difference of positive thinking and optimism? Can you distinguish? Here are some thoughts about that and how that relates to leadership.
Some people are coming from the position of scarcity, some other come from the field of abundance. Optimism is coming from the field of abundance. You believe in the richness of life and its possibilities, chances, opportunities. You believe in the growth of people, in the goodness of humanity. Optimism is leaning into abundance and the knowing of the plenty. This is trust. Trust into life, into others, into yourself. The ability to see the light in a dark tunnel so you can give it your attention, focus your energy, to make it grow and shine brighter.
Whereas positive thinking, a very similar concept, can come from the field of scarcity, the position of lack. You do not have trust in life and particular you do not have trust in what you are saying. You simply want to override your fear about the future with “sunny” thoughts and words. Its literally brainwashing. That is not more than a patchwork which is not sustainable, because the knowingness is missing. It may have some short-term effects but reversely, all actions you make based on this concept are still actions based on fear. There is no evolution nor transcending decision possible unless you don’t face reality, face the cheating of yourself.
Optimism comes from a position of strength, positive thinking from a position of weakness.
As leader, you clearly want to be in a position, where you can inspire others. Leadership by inspiration, not by manipulation is based on optimism, because it is deeply connected to the field of abundance. You create value not from a scarcity mindset, but from trust in what you are doing, where you are going, in your mission.
Optimism is connecting to your mission and pursuing it, even though you know, you may never get there. You see the chances that bring you forward instead of the hurdles which stop you from progressing. You focus on the light at the end of the tunnel, gain strength from that and act in the need of the hour inspiringly.

Do you focus on the darkness around you or the glimpse of light available?