A core principle of agile methodologies such as Scrum is “Inspect & Adapt”. That is how we can be light weighted and act agile. It is the way, how we can handle complexity with all its unknowing, uncertainties. We better pay a little offset of time in order to regularly inspect of what we got, of where we are, of how we are doing and then make use of this finding in order to improve and to adjust the way we will proceed. It is simply said just looking on what is, instead of looking into a big crystal ball and predict our future, hoping for the best.

This way of inspection and adaptation is in full accordance with the natural law and yogic teaching which says, with time comes change. Time in fact is change. Without time, no change and without change, no time. One conclusion of that wisdom is that whoever resists change and evolution, whoever ever fights against uncertainty and the unknown by holding strongly onto control and safety acts simply illusionary and against natures law. We better welcome change and be open to the unknown of life, the grand field of the future.
We align in our projects, in our organizations, in all our doings with the change of time, if we act in an agile principle of opening the eyes, looking at where we stand, in order to recapture, where we want to go, which direction our next steps shall take. We don’t want to be ignorant towards life itself and hold on illusionary stability and safety, those aspects which can only sustain for a certain amount of time, in simple environments. But most of our work is located in complex environments which we can not control. Change is inevitable. Align to it, welcome it, and find peace of mind, in your projects or organizations by letting go of the illusion of having everything in control.